The BSN nursing program is for anyone seeking to become registered nurses. The first
two years are nursing prerequisites and the second two years are 4 semesters with
8-16 weeks courses. For transfer students, the admissions counselor will be able to
guide of the transferable classes.
Yes. Only exception is nursing elective which can be completed along with nursing
If you are accepted into the BSN program, you will have classes scheduled 2-3 days/
week which will also include a clinical day depending the course you are taking. Few
semesters may require you to be available 4 days a week.
Clinical sites, days and times are scheduled by the School of Nursing. You may request
a particular clinical site and day. We will try to accommodate but cannot promise.
Your clinical experience is based on the courses you are enrolled in. You may or may
not be going to the same site each semester depending on site availability and our
clinical needs.
Once you are accepted into the Nursing Program you will receive your acceptance letter
which explains the immunizations and clinical requirements you must submit. The deadline
for submission of these records will be stated in your acceptance letter.
Childhood vaccination records, health department records, family physician records.
All documents will be uploaded to castle branch.
If possible, contact your family physician or try your local county health department
if you have lived in that county for a long time. If you are a recent high school
graduate your high school may still have documentation of your immunization records.
If you are unable to locate your records you will be required to have titers drawn
or repeat your immunizations.
The hospitals and clinical facilities where you will be attending clinical rotations
determine what immunizations and training that you must complete in order to interact
with patients at their facilities.
Hospitals and clinical facilities now require that all students have received the
flu vaccine and Covid Vaccine. The only exemption is for medical or religious reasons.
Yes. American Heart Association Health-Care Provider.
Review the university handbook, nursing student handbook. For further questions you
can reach out to