Program & Career Highlights
The GSHAA Department has an unusual niche within the University, the Chicago region,
and within its constituent disciplines. It is a place to study community issues, especially
as they touch on development, planning and environmental concerns. We also particularly
focus on the experiences of Africans and African diaspora in Chicago and the world,
a particular important focus given Chicago State’s status as a federally recognized
Predominately Black Institution (PBI).
At the same time, the Department is uniquely poised to view these issues in global,
environmental, cultural, and economic context. GSHAA professors are engaged in Chicago
and the South Side, working on issues from food security and urban gardening to the
effects of global warming on the city and region to digital equity. A major focus
of CSU's contribution to the economic development and social welfare of the Chicago
area is through the Department's Fredrick Blum Neighborhood Assistance Center (NAC). Working with faculty and staff, the NAC provides students many opportunities to
analyze, develop solutions for, and reflect upon a variety of urban problems.
Link to Neighborhood Assistance Center Page: